Negotiation Training
Building the agreement: open to all in negotiation situations - commercial, union-related, or otherwise - this training optimises the preparatory phase, the approach strategy, creativity, and tactics.
Open to all in negotiation situations - commercial, union-related, or otherwise - this training optimises the preparatory phase, the approach strategy, creativity, and tactics. Participants will acquire the fundamental attitudes and reactions of the strong negotiator mastering their emotions and maintaining flexibility and agility throughout.
For who?
Anyone who ever must negotiate or lead negotiations, Buyers
After completing the training
- Identifying personal references and systems for negotiating at an elevated level
- Recognizing our emotions in the context of our contacts with a demanding environment
- Controlling behavior and feeling at ease in varying negotiating situations, both within and outside the company
- Increasing effectiveness through better preparation and better results
- Fostering active and long-lasting relations with everyone we speak to, avoiding deadlocked situations which prejudice our position as mediators
- Enjoying and knowing how to use techniques and tactics
- The key attitudes of negotiation
- The matrix: a tool for preparing your negotiation
- The walk-away point and its price
- The T-concept - a better way of positioning yourself in negotiation
- Practical exercises
- The behavioral scale
- The “third ear”
- The 26 most used negotiating tactics
- Presenting our arguments, taking the other person’s “filter” into account
- Practical exercises
- Conflictual negotiation
- The “3 prerequisite yes’s”
- Different behavior types when facing a group: roles, allies, opponents ...
- Individual case studies
- Practical exercises
Learning Tools
- The most important point to profit from the learning journey: apply your learnings!
- Action plans are defined already in the training room to allow the participant to evaluate his progress against his own standards in daily life
- During sessions with their peers only, people coach each other on concrete situations
- Leverage collective intelligence to solve problems
- Alternatively practice on how to listen, ask questions and give feedback.
- In a one-to-one meeting, the participant and their manager discuss and define the goals to be reached with this training
- Only if the participant knows what the manager and the employer is expecting from him, they can work towards the expected results
- Lively, interactive training days are the backbone of the learning journey.
- Positive confrontation and feedback stimulate to change the behavior.
- Interaction within the group allows to learn from peers in a safe yet challenging environment
- Smart and easily accessible reminders of key lessons learned.
- Customisation possible.
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